2019-05-28 14:05


  —全新RDNA游戏架构和即将推出的AMD Radeon RX 5700系列显卡将加速电脑、游戏机和云游戏的未来—

  —世界首款PCIe 4.0台式机平台计划于2019年7月上市 打造AMD史上最完备生态系统—

  中国—2019年5月27日—AMD(NASDAQ:AMD)再次用技术创造了历史,AMD总裁兼首席执行官Lisa Su博士在台北国际电脑展的开幕主题演讲上首次公布了多款基于7nm制程的高性能计算和显卡产品,预计将为PC游戏玩家、发烧友以及内容创建者带来更高水平的性能、技术和体验:

  ●全新“Zen 2”核心大幅度提升了行业内产品世代交替的性能提升水平, IPC(每时钟周期指令)预计比“Zen”架构提升高达15%*。全新设计的“Zen 2”处理器核心为新一代AMD锐龙和EPYC(霄龙)处理器带来大幅升级,包括更大的缓存容量和全新浮点运算单元。


  ●AMD X570芯片组是世界首款支持PCIe4.0的芯片组,采用socket AM4架构,同期将发布五十余款全新主板。


  ●7nm AMD Radeon RX 5700系列游戏显卡系列,具备高速GDDR6显存,支持PCIe 4.0。


AMD总裁兼首席执行官Lisa Su博士发表主题演讲

  与Lisa Su博士一起出席的还包括微软平台事业部副总裁Roanne Sones、华硕首席运营官谢明杰、宏碁联合首席运营官Jerry Kao以及其他重要行业技术领袖,他们共同展示了AMD高性能计算和图形生态系统的深远影响。

  Lisa Su博士表示:“2019年对AMD来说是令人难以置信的开始,AMD通过推出多款领先的产品来庆祝50年的创新历程,并以此不断挑战计算机和图形技术的极限。AMD对新一代核心、突破性的单封装模块化芯片设计(chiplet)和先进的制程工艺进行了重大战略投资,这为公司高性能计算生态系统带来了先进的7nm制程产品。在准备将新一代锐龙台式机处理器、EPYC(霄龙)服务器处理器以及Radeon RX游戏显卡推向市场之际,我们非常高兴能和行业合作伙伴一起启动2019台北国际电脑展。


  以引领PC产业之道为先,AMD公布了全球领先的第三代锐龙台式机处理器,这款处理器在游戏、生产力和内容创建应用程序方面均具备开创性的性能。基于全新“Zen 2”单封装模块化芯片架构(chiplet)的第三代AMD锐龙台式机处理器预计将提供前所未有的核心缓存性能,以释放精英级游戏动能。此外,全系第三代AMD锐龙台式机处理器均已为世界首款PCIe 4.0接口提供完备支持,提供极为先进的主板、显卡以及存储技术,打造全新性能标杆并提供了极致的消费者体验。

  AMD还为第三代锐龙台式机处理器全新打造了全新的锐龙9系列产品线,其旗舰型号为12核心/24线程的锐龙9 3900X,将以其卓越性能继续推动高性能socket AM4平台架构。AMD同时还完善了8核心的锐龙7系列以及6核心的锐龙5系列产品。

  在主题演讲中,Lisa Su博士还进行了多项现场产品演示,以凸显第三代AMD锐龙台式机处理器的领先性能。


AMD总裁兼首席执行官Lisa Su博士公布第三代AMD锐龙台式机处理器



  AMD为socket AM4平台推出了世界首款完备支持PCIe 4.0接口的全新X570芯片组,存储性能将比PCIe 3.0快42%*,全面支持高性能显卡、网络设备、NVMe硬盘等PCIe产品。基于AMD X570芯片组的主板将比PCIe 3.0主板带宽加倍*,电脑发烧友在构建定制化系统时可获得更高的性能和灵活性。 X570芯片组将为AMD打造前所未有的开放式生态系统。华擎、华硕、七彩虹、技嘉、微星等板卡合作伙伴预计将推出五十余款全新X570主板,而影驰、技嘉和群联电子等合作伙伴也将推出全新PCIe 4.0存储解决方案。第三代AMD锐龙台式机处理器预计将于2019年7月7日在全球上市。



AMD和行业伙伴共襄盛举 共同进入7nm时代



  即将推出的7nm AMD Radeon RX 5700系列显卡采用RDNA架构,配备高速GDDR6显存并支持PCIe 4.0接口。

  在主题演讲中,Lisa Su博士展示了RDNA的强大性能,并且当场使用一款AMD Radeon RX 5700显卡展示了《奇异小队》(Strange Brigade)游戏demo中的图形性能,其性能表现不可思议,达到每秒100帧左右。


AMD总裁兼首席执行官Lisa Su博士公布最新Radeon技术

  AMD Radeon RX 5700系列显卡预计将于2019年7月上市。请于太平洋时间2019年6月10日下午3点在AMD E3直播活动中了解更多细节。


  AMD数据中心业务继续赢得客户青睐,在从最大的云环境到百亿亿级超级计算的工作负载中得到部署和应用,并从AMD EPYC(霄龙)和AMD Radeon Instinct处理器所面临的巨大市场机遇中获益。

  在主题演讲中,Lisa Su博士首次公开进行了第二代AMD EPYC(霄龙)服务器平台的对比演示,继续引起大家对下一代EPYC(霄龙)处理器的期待。

  最后,AMD和Microsoft Azure宣布使用基于第一代AMD EPYC(霄龙)处理器的系统上运行的Azure HB云实例,实现以前无法获得的计算流体动力学(CFD)性能水平。利用AMD EPYC(霄龙)的出色内存带宽,Azure HB使用勒芒1亿个单元模拟,在超过11,500个核心上扩展了Siemens Star -CCM +应用程序,远超以前从未达到的10,000核心目标。微软Azure虚拟机产品负责人Navneet Joneja表示:“Azure上的HB系列虚拟机(VM)改变了云上高性能计算(HPC)的游戏规则。第一次HPC客户可以将其MPI工作负载扩展到数万个核心,并具有堪比本地部署集群的云灵活性、性能和经济性。我们期待这款新的Azure云实例能够为HPC驱动的创新和生产力做出巨大贡献。”

  与上一代产品相比,第二代AMD EPYC(霄龙)服务器处理器系列将提供高达每插槽2倍的性能和高达4倍的浮点性能。*

  第二代AMD EPYC(霄龙)服务器处理器系列预计将于2019年第三季度推出。




  关于 AMD

  50年来,AMD引领了高性能运算、图形,以及可视化技术方面的创新,这些都是游戏、临境感平台以及数据中心的基础。每时每刻,全球数百万的消费者、500强公司,以及尖端科学研究所都依靠AMD技术来改善他们的生活、工作以及娱乐。AMD全球员工致力于打造伟大的产品,努力拓宽技术的极限。成就今日,启迪未来。更多信息,敬请访问AMD公司(NASDAQ:AMD)官网关注AMD官方微信: AMDChina,关注AMD官方微博@AMD中国。

  Cautionary Statement

  This press release contains forward-looking statements concerning Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (AMD) including the features, functionality, availability, timing, deployment and expectations of AMD’s future products, including 3rd Gen AMD Ryzen desktop processors, 7nm AMD Radeon RX 5700-series graphics cards and the 2nd Gen AMD EPYC server processor family, which are made pursuant to the Safe Harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements are commonly identified by words such as "would," "intends," "believes," "expects," "may," "will," "should," "seeks," "intends," "plans," "pro forma," "estimates," "anticipates," or the negative of these words and phrases, other variations of these words and phrases or comparable terminology. Investors are cautioned that the forward-looking statements in this document are based on current beliefs, assumptions and expectations, speak only as of the date of this document and involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations. Such statements are subject to certain known and unknown risks and uncertainties, many of which are difficult to predict and generally beyond AMD's control, that could cause actual results and other future events to differ materially from those expressed in, or implied or projected by, the forward-looking information and statements. Material factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations include, without limitation, the following: Intel Corporation’s dominance of the microprocessor market and its aggressive business practices may limit AMD’s ability to compete effectively; AMD has a wafer supply agreement with GLOBALFOUNDRIES Inc. (GF) with obligations to purchase all of its microprocessor and APU product requirements, and a certain portion of its GPU product requirements, manufactured at process nodes larger than 7 nanometer from GF with limited exceptions. If GF is not able to satisfy AMD’s manufacturing requirements, AMD’s business could be adversely impacted; AMD relies on third parties to manufacture its products, and if they are unable to do so on a timely basis in sufficient quantities and using competitive technologies, AMD’s business could be materially adversely affected; failure to achieve expected manufacturing yields for AMD’s products could negatively impact its financial results; the success of AMD’s business is dependent upon its ability to introduce products on a timely basis with features and performance levels that provide value to its customers while supporting and coinciding with significant industry transitions; if AMD cannot generate sufficient revenue and operating cash flow or obtain external financing, it may face a cash shortfall and be unable to make all of its planned investments in research and development or other strategic investments; the loss of a significant customer may have a material adverse effect on AMD; AMD’s receipt of revenue from its semi-custom SoC products is dependent upon its technology being designed into third-party products and the success of those products; global economic and market uncertainty may adversely impact AMD’s business and operating results; AMD’s products may be subject to security vulnerabilities that could have a material adverse effect on AMD; IT outages, data loss, data breaches and cyber-attacks could compromise AMD’s intellectual property or other sensitive information, be costly to remediate and cause significant damage to its business, reputation and operations; AMD’s operating results are subject to quarterly and seasonal sales patterns; AMD may not be able to generate sufficient cash to service its debt obligations or meet its working capital requirements; AMD has a large amount of indebtedness which could adversely affect its financial position and prevent it from implementing its strategy or fulfilling its contractual obligations; the agreements governing AMD’s notes and the Secured Revolving Line of Credit impose restrictions on AMD that may adversely affect AMD’s ability to operate its business; the markets in which AMD’s products are sold are highly competitive; AMD’s worldwide operations are subject to political, legal and economic risks and natural disasters, which could have a material adverse effect on it; the conversion of the 2.125% Convertible Senior Notes due 2026 may dilute the ownership interest of AMD’s existing stockholders, or may otherwise depress the price of its common stock; uncertainties involving the ordering and shipment of AMD’s products could materially adversely affect it; the demand for AMD’s products depends in part on the market conditions in the industries into which they are sold. Fluctuations in demand for AMD’s products or a market decline in any of these industries could have a material adverse effect on its results of operations; AMD’s ability to design and introduce new products in a timely manner is dependent upon third-party intellectual property; AMD depends on third-party companies for the design, manufacture and supply of motherboards, software and other computer platform components to support its business; if AMD loses Microsoft Corporation’s support for its products or other software vendors do not design and develop software to run on AMD’s products, its ability to sell its products could be materially adversely affected; and AMD’s reliance on third-party distributors and add-in-board partners subjects it to certain risks. Investors are urged to review in detail the risks and uncertainties in AMD's Securities and Exchange Commission filings, including but not limited to AMD's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 30, 2019.

  AMD, the AMD Arrow logo, EPYC, Ryzen, Radeon and combinations thereof, are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Other names are for informational purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners.